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High-quality service is recognized by the industry

Inheriting the vigor, the love of people, the responsibility of the sofa

2021-05-21 管理员 Read 73

Have you seen all the National Day files?

In "Changjin Lake", in order for the younger generations not to fight anymore, they "fought all the wars that should be fought", and took on their youth, and changed their lives without harm; in "My Fathers and Me", they in different historical coordinates, Carrying on the ordinary and great inheritance of the spirit and vigor of the previous generation.

Today's flourishing age is finally as they wished. There are not only the country and the people are safe, the country is prosperous and the people are strong, but there are also people who have inherited their strengths in different professional fields. For example, Mr. Huang Huakun, the founder of Zuo Zuo Sofa, leads Zuo Zuo Sofa, with professional adherence, industry leadership, and social responsibility, and has become a brilliant light in the home furnishing industry.

There is light in the heart, quality is the company's perseverance

"Only products are the lifeblood of an enterprise." Over the years, Huang Huakun has always emphasized this point of view on numerous public occasions. Under his leadership, every selection of materials for the left and right sofas is meticulous; every process is striving for excellence; every product is meticulously crafted.

When you walk into the left and right stores, from sofas to coffee tables, to dining tables and chairs, to sleeping centers, ten series of whole-house furniture can meet all aspects of your home furnishing needs and show you the ultimate doctrine of each product.

35 years of focusing on sofa categories, 35 years of time extraction, 35 years of craftsmanship, the left and right sofas have accumulated six exclusive craftsmanship from the perspectives of comfort, functionality, stability and environmental protection, and targeted solutions to consumers. The pain points suffered during the use of the sofa have made the "sofa expert" the professional height.

With a silent adherence to professional deep cultivation and meticulous work, Huang Huakun has been rushing towards the ideal light in his heart with his left and right, and all his efforts will eventually be imprinted. Today's left and right have established the professional status of the king of sofas and become the king of the country. Leading brand of high-end furniture.

There are mountains on shoulders, leading the industry is the responsibility of entrepreneurs

Leading the left and right sofas to be at the forefront of the industry, Huang Huakun is also concerned about the development of the entire industry. He once said frankly that when a company reaches a certain scale, it is impossible as a leader to only think about his own company and field.

Therefore, he actively promotes the formulation of certification standards for "China Green Furniture Premium", and leads the left and right to take the initiative to implement strictly, promote the docking of industry standards with international advanced levels, strengthen the basic support of industry quality, and guide furniture companies to carry out comprehensive transformation and technical standards. The upgrade has promoted the quality improvement of the entire industry.

At the same time, Huang Huakun has been elected as the chairman of the Council of Guangdong Furniture Chamber of Commerce many times, doing his best to help the high-quality leap-forward development of the entire home furnishing industry.

In addition to the rational help, Huang Huakun also brought to the industry, there is also a perceptual symbiosis, that is, his "happiness culture system."

Become the "big brother" of all employees, the "big brother" of all dealers, and even the "Kun brother" of many home furnishing colleagues. He strives to make people around him happy. He hopes that there will be a group of people in the industry. Happy people can pass this happiness to more customers and friends, let the flower of happiness, using furniture as the medium, start from the sofa, and spread across the thousands of families across the country, so that people can truly feel this. The transmission of positive energy, the comfort and peace of mind and the enjoyment of a happy life.

Create a happy enterprise, make happy employees, link happy partners, and make happy consumers. Huang Huakun continues to release his own light and heat, demonstrating the industry responsibility of a large entrepreneur.

There is power under your feet, and people's good life is the goal of the right and left.

Sofa is a transliteration of the word "sofa". As an imported product, it has been monopolized by foreign brands for a long time. However, only the Chinese can better understand the needs of the people, the preferences of the people, and the lives of the people.

As the leading brand of Chinese living room culture, Left and Right Sofa can be one step ahead of others through the accumulation of senior working experience and big data over the years, capturing the new demands of Chinese people for furniture products, and quickly satisfying them with precision.

Out of infinite gratitude and deep yearning for his mother, Huang Huakun wanted to make a sofa specifically for "mothers". At this time, the left and right were also earlier than the market, keenly aware that people such as pregnant mothers and the elderly need to use external forces to come. Respond to the needs of sitting and lying problems in life. Therefore, the "mother's sofa" came into being. It can not only assist people from sitting to lying down, but also freely adjust people from any position on the sofa to upward and forward, allowing them to stand up easily and let them When enjoying a beautiful home life, it is more comfortable and free.

And "people's yearning for a better life is the goal of all householders" is also the social responsibility of householders that Huang Huakun has been advocating and practicing.

To meet people's household needs and serve hundreds of thousands of happy families, let Huang Huakun lead left and right on the road of development, with strength under his feet and sonorous steps.

This National Day stall is too teary, if you are too crying, sit in the arms of the sofa, lean against and warm up. In the future, let us inherit the strength of our ancestors and move forward in our respective fields!

Source of this article: Tencent Home Furnishing, if there is any infringement, delete immediately